Pain Management

Vitamin D and Pain Relief


Vitamin D and Pain Management Go outside! You may be surprised to learn that some chronic pain can be due to a Vitamin D deficiency. There are several studies now showing that cases of chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, can actually be a misdiagnosis of Vitamin D deficiency. [...]

Vitamin D and Pain Relief2023-01-16T20:30:05+00:00

Therapy Dog for Neuropathy


Pain Management: Therapy Dog for Neuropathy A dog may not only stave off loneliness but can provide help with basic tasks to neuropathy patients and their caregivers. For neuropathy patients, dogs can complement the emotional support and service provided by a caregiver in many instances. Growing up, we always had a family dog. Even before my [...]

Therapy Dog for Neuropathy2021-11-16T22:25:41+00:00

How Losing Weight Can Help With Pain


How Losing Weight Can Help With Pain When thinking of ways to reduce pain, one area that gets overlooked, is weight management. Although the pain relief may not be noticed for some time, the benefits could be well worth it. Research is showing a strong connection between being overweight and pain severity. This is a [...]

How Losing Weight Can Help With Pain2021-08-18T14:31:54+00:00

Pain Management in Cold Weather


Pain Management in Cold Weather Author: Nicole Platt Patient Advocate, Pain Relief Clinic MD Increased Pain in Winter We all know rain and cold weather bring more pain to our bodies, especially when we have chronic pain and discomfort. Georgia’s unpredictable weather can certainly catch us off guard. They say “If you don’t [...]

Pain Management in Cold Weather2021-08-18T14:30:17+00:00

Should I keep my pain management appointments during the holidays?


Should I keep my doctor's appointment during the holidays? Author: Nicole Platt Patient Advocate, Pain Relief Clinic MD Keeping Holiday Pain Management Appointments Juggling doctors appointments, shopping, cleaning, and visitors can sometimes make keeping a pain management appointment taxing. The holidays are a time of enjoyment and making connections. We want our patients feeling [...]

Should I keep my pain management appointments during the holidays?2021-05-19T21:16:42+00:00

How is Our Pain Clinic Protecting Patients from COVID-19?


Am I safe going to my pain management appointment? You have a lot on your mind these days - your pain and your concerns over the pandemic - and that matters to us. During these trying times regarding Covid-19, people wonder if it is safe to keep their appointments with their pain management [...]

How is Our Pain Clinic Protecting Patients from COVID-19?2023-11-21T17:18:53+00:00

Car Accidents: Delayed Pain and Residual Injuries and Side Effects


Delayed Pain and Injuries from Auto Accidents Author: Nicole Platt Patient Advocate, Pain Relief Clinic MD Approximately every 10 seconds someone in the U.S. is injured in a motor vehicle accident, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Thankfully, most accidents are not fatal, but even minor ones can create long-term anxiety [...]

Car Accidents: Delayed Pain and Residual Injuries and Side Effects2020-09-10T21:34:09+00:00

With Chronic Pain Management, Attitude Matters


With Chronic Pain Management, Attitude Matters Author: Nicole Platt Patient Advocate, Pain Relief Clinic MD How Attitude Effects Pain Management Pain Relief Clinic, MD's approach to pain management largely depends on what’s causing the pain. When it’s a byproduct of an ongoing health condition, our focus is finding a good pain management strategy to [...]

With Chronic Pain Management, Attitude Matters2020-08-24T23:07:02+00:00
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