Should I keep my doctor’s appointment during the holidays?
Author: Nicole Platt
Patient Advocate, Pain Relief Clinic MD
Keeping Holiday Pain Management Appointments
Juggling doctors appointments, shopping, cleaning, and visitors can sometimes make keeping a pain management appointment taxing. The holidays are a time of enjoyment and making connections. We want our patients feeling their personal best during the holidays. After all, it is a quality of life issue.
Our goal is always to help our patients live their lives to fullest and that includes being pain free. Pain can and does impact our relationships as well if not managed properly.
Managing Pain During the Holidays
If you are having a less than stellar day, we recommend using good communication skills. Your loved ones need to know how you are feeling, if you are in pain and how they might be able to help, especially during the holiday season. We must remember we are all in this thing called life together. Cognitive kindness and patience are key to a successful life and “COVID” holiday season.
This year has definitely been topsy-turvy and we have added stress and issues to deal with due to this global pandemic. We hope you keep all of your doctor’s appointments. Pain management is very important, but so is your yearly physical, dentist appointments, etc.

Another particularly important reason to keep your pain management appointments is a modified clinic schedule at Pain Relief Clinic, MD during the holidays. We will also be enjoying time with our families and will take a few days off. This means you need to keep your appointments, because rescheduling may not be a possible in the time frame you need. So, keep those appointments! We want your holidays to be as stress-free as possible.
Also, please be careful while on the roads as always. All kinds of accidents increase during the holidays because people are doing out of the ordinary things. Please, please, please remember your health and safety trumps everything. If you are injured, we are here for you. We are essentially a one-stop-shop for auto accident, slip and fall, personal injury and workers compensation needs. We can help you find an attorney and any other treatment you might need. If you already have an attorney great! We work with all attorneys and chiropractors. It’s so very important to be seen by physician. If your vehicle was injured, you are likely injured. Pain from accidents usually sets in 1 to 2 days after an accident. During a car accident our adrenalin is normally kicking in and causing us not to feel the pain or injury immediately.
We hope this message was helpful to you in some way, and we hope the next few months provide joyous holidays and healing time with your family and loved ones. Until next time, Nicole.
Pain Management Atlanta
It makes no sense to live in pain, if you can be helped. At Pain Relief Clinic, MD, we provide medication management, a complete compliment of interventional treatments including physical therapy and Stem Cell treatment. Our professional caring staff will help you through every aspect of your care. Our patient advocate, Nicole, will help guide you through new patient process.
For some people, living in pain has become a way of life and IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE SO! With Combination Therapy ™ we incorporate medication, safe injection medication and soothing waveform technology that works in combination when other single treatment therapies fail.
If you have been suffering from arthritis, back pain, all sports injuries (including young athletes), fibromyalgia, headaches, neck pain or any other types of Acute & Chronic pain, call us!
Our clinic has been designed to provide everything up to surgery, at one location. Our forms of treatment consist of, Medication, Interventional Pain Management & Physical Therapy. We are the Atlanta Pain Center that everyone is talking about. We take Medicare, Medicaid and other commercial insurances.